蓝岭合作地区农民培训联盟(CRAFT)通过一系列的农场点对点研讨会和冬季圆桌讨论,在有抱负和有经验的农民之间培养有意义的导师关系. 我们相信,未来的种植者和生产者的教育和专业发展通知我们多样化的地方食品系统和农村经济的健康. CRAFT网站上有高地地区的实习名单和农民培训工作坊.
高地花园社区是一个社区网络, service agency, church, 以及K-8学校的菜园,共同为高地地区的低收入家庭种植食物,并激励和教育我们的年轻人为自己和家人种植食物. Many of the gardens are part of the Lettuce Learn Program . Several of the gardens offer plots to low-income families, encouraging them to grow their own food, 而另一些人则把自己种植的农产品捐赠给当地的食品银行和慈善机构 F.A.R.M. (Feeding All Regardless of Means) Cafe. 所有的花园都由一个强大的志愿者网络来维护, small grants, donations, and resource sharing.
将用于参与市场的联邦营养福利(SNAP/EBT或食品券)的价值增加一倍, 帮助人们带回更多健康的水果和蔬菜,同时韦德app官网当地农民. 这是三方面的双赢:低收入消费者可以获得更健康的食品, locally produced food; Local Farmers gain new customers thus making more money; and the Local Economy benefits because more food dollars stay in the local community. With your help, BRWIA正在努力扩大这一项目,以便更多的家庭能够获得当地种植的农产品.
The High Country Food Summit is a gathering of scholars, farmers, and food lovers, to explore a theme important to our region. Past themes have included “Dynamic Traditions, Resourceful Communities, ” an exploration of how communities are building economic and ecological wealth from food waste; and "Seeding Community Resilience" featuring seed-saving and agrobiodiversity conservation, intergenerational knowledge exchange,
community gardening, and improving food access. 食品峰会活动鼓励与会者探索是什么使高地社区既独特又独特地再生:自我修复, self-sustaining, innovative, and resourceful. A locally-sourced lunch is also served. |
By managing both the Winter and King Street Weekday Markets, 我们为当地食品和工艺品提供了额外的市场. 这使得消费者有更多的机会韦德app官网他们的邻居,消费更多的本地商品,也为生产者提供了额外的渠道来赚取可维持生活的工资.
Profiling our region's incredible women in Agriculture. 这些妇女是多样化的:来自不同的背景,包括农民, homesteaders, and activists. 她们体现了女性通过多种方式与我们的食物系统建立联系并改变它们.
BRWIA与各种组织合作,为创新和可持续农业项目提供资金. Grant programs include the Mary Boyer Sustainable Food & Agriculture Grant for female farmers, the Heifer USA funded Direct to Farmer Grant, and the High Country Local First Farm-to-School Grant. 女性农民还可以获得会议和旅行奖学金.
“绿色餐盘帮”在春天举办一系列活动, a coalition of non-profits and individuals. 这个联盟致力于通过鼓励新鲜食品的消费来改善我们社区的经济和个人健康, locally produced food. BRWIA是核心成员组织之一,负责主办发布活动的网站.
通过连接生产者和消费者,帮助加强我们当地的粮食系统, educating the public about sustainable food and agriculture, 并为农民提供增加收入的机会. BRWIA认识到,我们食品系统的健康取决于社区韦德app官网和消费者教育. 我们相信,通过为社区成员提供参观当地农场的机会, connect with farmers, and learn more about growing food sustainably, 我们可以建立一个受过教育的消费者基础,韦德app官网和倡导当地拥有和经营的农场和企业.
高地食品中心是当地种植食品的中央储存设施ocated at 252 Poplar Grove Rd in Boone. Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture and 瓦托加县合作推广公司共同创造了这个开放的空间 为我们社区的农民提供新的市场,并作为社区菜园种植的蔬菜的收集点,然后分发给当地的食品银行. 食品中心的特色是一个在线的当地食品市场,购物者可以在这里购买当地生产的食品和手工制品.
我们与当地专家合作,举办季节性教育研讨会,促进可持续生活和自给自足. 这些研讨会旨在作为教育工具,提高人们对当地食物系统的认识. 我们知道,健康的食品系统依赖于社区的韦德app官网,因此我们为农业社区以外的人提供了解当地农业的机会. Community workshops, events, 会议的目的是重新唤起高地国家对当地食物系统的欣赏.
Supporting teachers, child care professionals, and school leaders to create edible landscapes for learning, by providing help where they need it most: staff, training, and resources. 我们努力创造有影响力的教育机会,让孩子们与自然世界接触, enable them to make healthy choices, and encourage them to help build sustainable communities.
Housed in repurposed card catalogs, the Ashe and Watauga County Seed Libraries offer free, 开放授粉的种子给社区成员,他们可以拿种子包, grow and enjoy fresh vegetables from their gardens. Patrons are also welcome to then save seeds from those plants, returning the seeds to the Seed Library.
P.O. Box 67 | 969 W King Street
Boone, NC 28607 | 828.386.1537 Email: info@sadarinara.net |