Blue Ridge Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (工艺) cultivates meaningful mentor relationships between aspiring 和 experienced farmers.
We believe that the educational 和 professional development of tomorrow’s growers 和 producers informs the health of our diverse local-food system 和 rural economy.
基于工艺模式,比如有机种植者学校的 WNC工艺 还有类似的学徒网络, 蓝岭船 connects aspiring farmers with experienced farmers 和 encourages innovative on-farm educational 和 professional experiences. Providing tools to established farmers that will enhance their mentorship abilities is central to 蓝岭船's efforts. 工艺 first emerged in New York's Hudson Valley in 1994 as "a cooperative effort of local organic 和 biodynamic farms organized to enhance educational opportunities for farm apprentices.而且,它已经蔓延到许多其他社区. Each organization is unique, but dedicated to the advancement of tomorrow's growers. 要了解有关其他工艺组织的更多信息,请单击 在这里. 2014年秋天, Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture was approached by established farmers seeking a way to provide structured education 和 training to their on-farm apprentices. Through further input from the community, 蓝岭船 was formed in 2015 with the goals of:
As we work together to form a more resilient 和 just food system 和 local economy, 蓝岭工艺公司认为,鼓励坦率是势在必行的, 有意义的谈话, 建立持久和包容的伙伴关系, 采用最佳实践, 激发创新和创造力. |
当: 周四2024年6月13日,下午4点至7点
地点: 满月农场集体,Triplett NC, 28618 成本: 建议捐赠 Looking to scale up your farm or garden, but worried 韦德app the time 和 labor needed to do so? 学习使用a的所有基础知识 PaperPot Co Planter 简化你的操作. Kara Dodson will demonstrate how to use a drop-seeder to save time seeding trays, 回顾一下最佳发芽提示, 然后用这个工具把葱移栽到地里. She will also share plenty of useful knowledge gained from 8 years as a diversified vegetable farm owner. This workshop is perfect for both beginning 和 experienced farmers looking to increase their yields 和 decrease their labor! 本课程将涵盖:
当: 2024年6月22日,星期六,上午9点至下午3点
地点: 北卡罗莱纳州麦格雷迪市斯巴达路8378号28649 成本: $20 深入了解放牧管理的基本原理, 牧场设计, 以及有效管理放牧动物的基本考虑因素. 由肯德拉·菲普斯领导, 瓦托加县的畜牧推广机构, this workshop will blend informative classroom style sessions with on-farm practical demonstrations that will equip you to begin your grazing operation. Learn all 韦德app the systems of rotational grazing 和 gain insights into its application on your farm or homestead. You will also learn 牧场设计 和 strategies for optimizing grazing efficiency. 通过互动环节和实际演示, participants will learn the direct impact of grazing management on pasture health 和 animal welfare. 工作坊将涵盖以下主题:
当: 2024年7月28日,周日,上午10点至下午12点30分
地点: 丹尼尔·布恩原生花园,北卡罗来纳州布恩 成本: 建议捐赠 加入韦德app农业和布莱恩·安察克, owner of Bug Lovers Native Plants to learn how to l和scape with native plants at Daniel Boone Native Gardens. 在这个工作坊, participants can expect to learn 韦德app how to sustainably use 和 incorporate native plants that are crucial for providing food 和 habitat for wildlife for Appalachian 和 Piedmont gardens 和 l和scapes to your home farm or garden. 本课程将涵盖以下内容:
当: 2024年10月6日,周日,下午2点至5点
地点: 阿巴拉契亚州立大学的可持续发展农场. 弗利特伍德,数控 成本: 建议捐赠 加入韦德app和理查德·博伊伦, 瓦托加县小型农场推广代理 an afternoon of instruction 和 h和s-on demonstration of how to operate a BCS Tractor. 在这个工作坊, participants can expect to learn 韦德app how to use a BCS with multiple attachments, 以及基本的维护和保养. 这个车间对农民来说是理想的, 园丁, 户人家, 任何想了解更多韦德app这个强大设备的人. 本课程将涵盖以下内容:
2023年,蓝岭飞船举办了 18 研讨会
已经结束了 140 有抱负的、刚起步的、有建树的农民. 2023车间:
2022年,蓝岭飞船主办了 17 研讨会
,从事 157 有抱负的、刚起步的、有建树的农民. 2022车间:
2020车间: 因COVID-19大流行而推迟的工艺活动. 2019车间:
P.O. 西国王街969号67号包厢
Boone, NC 28607 | 828.386.1537 电子邮件 |